Book 2

Ocean City II

Children & Young Adult, Children's Books, Children's Books Fantasy / Science Fiction, Young Adult, YA Age 12+, YA Friends / Family, YA Adventure / Crime

Escape from Ocean City

Everyone in Ocean City is hunting for Jackson and Crockie! However, as the floating metropolis draws close to the mainland, the friends are able to slip away and make it ashore. This is where they need to hunt for the banished rebel leader, the man they want to smuggle secretly back into the city. An organized resistance will be practically impossible without his help.

However, the mainland has its own rules and regulations - and Ocean City’s long arm reaches farther than expected. In order to survive, the friends are forced to place their trust in various dubious characters - and go underground. And the clock is ticking, since the city will only be docked for a few days. Once it leaves, Jackson and Crockie will be stranded on the mainland.

R. T. Acron

R.T. Acron is the pseudonym for Christian Tielmann and Frank Reifenberg, two renowned children's and young adult authors, who have a particular instinct when it comes to the needs and interests of teen readers.

Christian Tielmann was born in Wuppertal in 1971. He studied philosophy and German in Freiburg and Hamburg. Today he lives with his family in Cologne, and writes books for children and teens.

Frank Maria Reifenberg, born in 1962, was a trained bookseller. He now lives and writes full-time in Cologne. He primarily writes children's and young adult books, in addition to screenplays for film and television. For years, he has been actively involved in efforts to promote reading among boys.


Christian Tielmann

Christian Tielmann was born in 1971 in Wuppertal. He studied Philosophy and German at Hamburg and Freiburg. Today he lives in Detmold. He has been writing books for children,  young adults, and adults since 1999.

Frank Maria Reifenberg

Frank Maria Reifenberg, born in 1962, is a trained bookseller. He now lives and works in Cologne as a freelance author and speaker. He primarily writes children’s and young adult books, as well as screenplays for film and television.

Ocean City II

Escape from Ocean City

Everyone in Ocean City is hunting for Jackson and Crockie! However, as the floating metropolis draws close to the mainland, the friends are able to slip away and make it ashore. This is where they need to hunt for the banished rebel leader, the man they want to smuggle secretly back into the city. An organized resistance will be practically impossible without his help.

However, the mainland has its own rules and regulations - and Ocean City’s long arm reaches farther than expected. In order to survive, the friends are forced to place their trust in various dubious characters - and go underground. And the clock is ticking, since the city will only be docked for a few days. Once it leaves, Jackson and Crockie will be stranded on the mainland.

Bibliographic Data
256 pages, ISBN: 978-3-423-71873-8
First published 2020