
R. T. Acron

R.T. Acron is the pseudonym for Christian Tielmann and Frank Reifenberg, two renowned children's and young adult authors, who have a particular instinct when it comes to the needs and interests of teen readers.

Christian Tielmann was born in Wuppertal in 1971. He studied philosophy and German in Freiburg and Hamburg. Today he lives with his family in Cologne, and writes books for children and teens.

Frank Maria Reifenberg, born in 1962, was a trained bookseller. He now lives and writes full-time in Cologne. He primarily writes children's and young adult books, in addition to screenplays for film and television. For years, he has been actively involved in efforts to promote reading among boys.


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Preise & Auszeichnungen

Leipziger Lesekompass 2018

Im Jahr 2018 wurde Ocean City - Jede Sekunde zählt von F.M.Reifenberg und Ch.Tielmann alias R. T. Acron mit dem Leipziger Lesekompass ausgezeichnet.